Spill containment is required by federal law, 40 CFR section 112, and applies to transload facilities that work with bulk liquid. Whether through faulty equipment or the inexperience of a new employee, safeguards are in place to control what happens when things spill. Any petition for review of this approval action must be filed in a timely manner with the EPA's Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) for the appropriate circuit in accordance with CAA section 307(b). For as careful as transload facilities are, accidents can still happen.

Measuring 1275 long x 120 wide, this facility is ten times. *Note: According to 40 CFR 49.156(e)(6), the EPA's Approval of the Request for Coverage for the Project is a final agency action for purposes of judicial review, only for the issue of whether the Project is eligible for coverage under the SQCS General Permit. Kahn was selected as the Design-Builder for this transload facility in Suffolk, VA. The EPA approved US Silica's request for coverage on February 25, 2016. The strategic facility placement in the West Plains area adjacent to the interstate, a Class 1 rail line and Spokane International Airport, as well as existing and future industrial and manufacturing companies, would allow the Rail-Truck Transload Facility to play a significant role in enhancing the economic development of the region.This page contains documents related to our approval of US Silica's Request for Coverage under the General Air Quality Permit for New or Modified Minor Source Stone Quarrying, Crushing, and Screening (SQCS) Facilities in Indian Country for the Parshall Transload Facility on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, near Makoti, North Dakota. The Rail-Truck Transload Facility Project will address this need by serving as an international, multimodal system that would improve freight capacity and reduce costs and truck freight traffic on the increasingly congested Interstate 90. Growth of the industrial and commercial sectors in the area have led to increased demand for a larger transportation and logistics network. The Rail-Truck Transload Facility Project is a rural project located outside the Urbanized Area as designated by the U.S. The Rail-Truck Transload Facility would provide more efficient freight movement, aid in decongesting the interstate system, enhance economic competitiveness, support contiguous land use intensification, and strengthen local employment opportunities. The Spokane International Airport is requesting $11.9 million to contribute to the total cost of $16.9 million to complete Phase 2 of the Rail-Truck Transload Facility Project. Our Facility is situated on 35 acres with Temperature Controlled Warehouses and Outdoor Storage space for short and long-term storage.