Automation of toggled parameters for Audio Units plug-ins now work as expected.
Resolves an issue in which relocating the Sound Library to an external drive was not possible. Time Machine volumes can no longer be selected as the destination when relocating the Sound Library. The Mixer is now displayed correctly after Hide buttons on several tracks have been enabled. Performance is improved when streaming audio to Elektron hardware using the Elektron Overbridge plug-in. #LOGIC PRO UPDATE 10.6.2 MAC#
Controls View is now available on Audio Units running natively on a Mac with Apple silicon. MIDI effect Audio Units plug-ins running natively on a Mac with Apple silicon now output MIDI as expected. #LOGIC PRO UPDATE 10.6.2 SOFTWARE#
Resolves an issue in which some multi-output Audio Units software instruments showed more outputs than were actually available. MIDI Live Loops cells that are set to Play from Playhead Position now play back in sync when triggered while the project is playing. Automating Smart Controls to modulate Envelope 1 Attack in Sampler now sounds correct when the display shows the value returned to 0. Optimising the Loop Start/End in Quick Sampler now updates the loop playback range as expected. Manually created slices in Quick Sampler are now assigned correctly to pads when converted to a Drum Machine Designer kit. Performance is improved in large projects in which the Console 1 Lua script is installed. The playhead no longer appears to be stuck when playback is started after the computer wakes from sleep. Large sample-based instruments now load more quickly. Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly when Explode Folders is selected for a folder in the Score. Resolves an issue where Logic Pro could quit unexpectedly when renaming Arrangement Markers after a Marker Set has been created. Logic Pro no longer becomes unresponsive when changing presets quickly on the Vintage Organ. Improved stability when using Audio Units running natively on a Mac with Apple silicon. Fixes an issue where Logic Pro may quit unexpectedly when using Bass Amp Designer under Rosetta 2 on a Mac with Apple silicon. Fixes an issue where high latency plug-ins could cause timing issues for side-chain routing and automation. Fixes an issue where changing Smart Quantize parameters could reset prior edits to note velocities.
ARA edits are now retained correctly for saved projects containing muted ARA regions.Audio tracks created by bouncing software instrument tracks in place are now named correctly.
Duplicated tracks based on tracks that have a user-defined default patch loaded are now named correctly.Resolves delay compensation issues for plug-ins that require lookahead, and for busses containing plug-ins that are side-chained to tracks.Key label sets can now be saved in Sampler.Resolves an issue where Logic Pro quits unexpectedly when Option-dragging a marquee selection within a folder.Fixes an issue where Logic Pro may quit unexpectedly when loading projects with plug-ins that use PACE/iLok copy protection.The Plug-in Manager now offers a way to reset Audio Units caches and perform a rescan of all installed Audio Units plug-ins.